


    Type : Sell
    Condition : Used
    Location : Lusaka, Lusaka, Zambia

    Along Tazara D-Block

    548 Hectors. There is a Perennial Stream on Land and a Big Dumbo also on the Land

    It is Beaconed. There is a Care Taker Living on the Land

    The Land is on Title.

    it is 12 km from Mkushi Boma to turn off from main road ,( great north road) to Chengelo School and from turn off to Chengelo School junction it is 19 km and from Chengelo School junction to the farm it is 33 km which makes 64 km from Mkushi Boma to the farm

    Not far from School

    The Price is k1,700,000 Negotiable

    Contact 0973492212 For more Details

    Please mention when contacting.

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