Job Alert – Accounting & Commercial StudiesTeacher


    Company Name : chalo-trust-school-lusaka
    Application Email/Url : Email
    Location : Lusaka, Zambia

    Job Alert – Accounting & Commercial Studies Teacher (Lusaka, Zambia)

    Chalo Trust School, a secondary and primary boarding school in Lusaka for both boys and girls, set in a quiet and natural environment conducive for learning and teaching and established on strong Christian values and principles to provide high quality Primary and secondary education at affordable rates, seeks qualified, experienced, sober and highly motivated staff to fill up the following vacant positions;

    Teaching staff:

    Accounting & Commercial Studies Teacher

    Must be a degree holder with at least 2 years teaching experience or a diploma holder with at least 3 years teaching experience

    Find out more at:

    Please mention when contacting.

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