Job Alert – Finance Graduate Trainees (Lusaka, Zam


    Company Name : COCO COLA
    Application Email/Url : Email
    Location : Lusaka, Zambia

    Job Alert – Finance Graduate Trainees (Lusaka, Zambia)

    Must have either a full ACCA or ZICA Qualification

    GCE O’Level certificate holder with minimum merit grade in both English and Mathematics

    Must be a member of any of the following professional bodies of which include ACCA, CIMA or ZICA

    Find out more at:

    Please mention when contacting.

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    1. Use a safe and public location to meet.
    2. When meeting take a friend along with you and inform your family or friends where you are going and who you are going to meet.
    3. Don't reply to email addresses or call phone numbers hidden in text and pictures.
    4.  Do not send money via mobile money or western union. Do cash transactions.
    5. Beware of unrealistic offers. If an ad or reply sounds too good to be true, it probably is.
    6.  Avoid scams such as Free unlimited internet, magic wallet etc.